Rhukot, 100 tabs, Kottakkal Ayurveda

SKU: 1cf03083e8fd Categories: ,
Releaseform: Тablets
Brand: Kottakkal Ayurveda


Rhukot – effective natural remedy for the treatment of diseases of the joints that have a pronounced analgesic effect. It stimulates microcirculatory processes, as a result of which the connective and bone tissues are gradually strengthened. It restores joint mobility, helps reduce their swelling, and also neutralizes muscle spasms, lower back and spine pain. The remedy activates the elimination of toxins and cleavage of rheumatic deposits. The product has a pronounced anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect. It is especially recommended for rheumatoid arthritis of the Vata and Kapha type, which are usually reversible and treatable. Unlike many modern remedies, which sometimes have a fairly aggressive effect on the digestive tract, liver or kidneys, as well as the need for long-term use to relieve the condition, the remedy, without causing addiction and without having side effects, in a short time will return You to an active lifestyle without pain in the joints. The remedy is produced on the basis of a time-tested medicinal formula, which is described in the treatise Yoga Shastra.
