Rasnai Randadi Kwatham, 100 tabs, Kottakkal Ayurveda

SKU: c45ae4209f12 Category:
Releaseform: Тablets
Brand: Kottakkal Ayurveda


Rasnai Randadi Kwatham is a remedy for restoring the balance of Vata dosha and treating diseases associated with its imbalance. It contains a powerful healing formula, the action of which is aimed at improving joint mobility, neutralizing pain in muscles and bones. Well restores the spine, having suffered heavy loads, injuries or diseases. It treats lumbar spondylosis. Relieves edema. This medication has a tablet form that is familiar to us and convenient for use. However, at the same time, it is a strong natural remedy aimed at eliminating pain in joints, muscles and bones. It will significantly reduce inflammation of the connective tissues of the tendons and ligaments, and also neutralizes the effects of any injuries and diseases. Thanks to the effects of this drug, you will normalize your well-being in a much shorter time than expected. It will also be indispensable for athletes, as it restores shape after strong physical exertion and relaxes muscles well. Rasnai Randadi Kwatham treats unpleasant symptoms associated with illnesses, even those that are old-fashioned. Among them: lumbar spondylosis, rheumatoid arthritis, arthritis, swelling of the joints, paralysis. It is especially effective against pains that occur in the lower back, although it also eliminates pain in other parts of the body. This is a completely natural therapeutic composition that, in addition to relieving pain in the body, improves digestion and normalizes appetite. For therapeutic purposes, it is also used to treat gout, with edema and swelling in the hip joint, with diseases of the lumbar spine.

Vata dosha imbalance