Kalonji Oil, 50 ml, Mohammedia Products

SKU: 526a134f275c Category:
Releaseform: Oil
Brand: Others


Kalonji oil is a potent remedy made from black cumin that is believed in Ayurveda to cure all diseases except death! Kalonji oil has remarkable healing potential effectively optimising the body’s vital organs eliminating calcium-oxalate stones and optimises all the Ayurvedic elements of air fire and water (vata pitta and kapha dosha). Kalonji oil contain over 100 naturally occurring chemical compounds some of which are still not fully understood including saturated and unsaturated fatty acids such as omega 6 (55-65%) omega 9 (18-22%) omega 3 (0.2%) palmitic acid (11-13%) and stearic acid (3%). Kalonji oil also contains 15 amino acids 8 of which are essential such as arginine which boosts immunity and may even treat oncological disorders. Kalonji oil has a calmative effect on the nervous system effectively preventing stress and anxiety and emotional disorders and treats reproductive system ailments such as infertility and reduced lactation. It lowers blood-sugar levels and is thus effective to treat diabetes and improves blood circulation to optimise cardiovascular function. Kalonji oil improves skin complexion and prevents skin disorders and is effective to treat respiratory ailments such as bronchitis and runny nose and prevents persistent cough by eliminating excessive mucous causing congestion. It treats gastrointestinal disorders including indigestion ulcers and parasitic infestations and even benefits the hair strengthening the hair shaft and preventing hair loss and premature grey hair.

Children’s health
Rejuvenation of organism
Doshas balance