Avipattikar Churna, 60 g, Dabur

SKU: 88070401b952 Categories: ,
Releaseform: Powder
Brand: Dabur


Avipattikar Churna made by Dabur is a natural Ayurvedic remedy to stimulate digestion and prevent intestinal disorders. Avipattikar Churna increases appetite and optimises metabolism regulating the secretion of enzymes to significantly improve the body’s absorption of nutrients and positively stimulate the liver and the entire gastrointestinal system. Avipattikar Churna prevents constipation dyspepsia flatulence gastritis heartburn and hyperacidity and is a potent antioxidant to eliminate harmful free radicals and toxins. It cleanses the blood and is effective to treat food poisoning and prevent the often damaging effects of excessive consumption of alcohol. Avipattikar Churna reduces fever and treats pre-menstrual syndrome haemorrhoids fistula and prevents premature grey hair and hair loss. Avipattikar Churna is rich in protein to increase physical endurance and is thus ideal for athletes and those engaged in hard physical labour. It balances the Ayurvedic element of fire (pitta dosha) and is a completely natural product that is a highly effective tonic for the entire body.

Pitta dosha imbalance
Purification of organism
Purification of blood
Digestive system