Arjunin, 20 caps, Charak

SKU: 84118594ae57 Categories: ,
Releaseform: Capsule
Brand: Charak


Arjunin is a remedy based on a rich herbal and mineral formula that effectively protects the heart and blood vessels. It not only strengthens the heart muscle, but also helps to cope with daily mental stress, reduces shortness of breath, and prevents edema. The principle of action of the drug is, scientifically speaking, to normalize the lipid index and reduce their oxidation. It also improves blood circulation to the heart, strengthens the heart muscles, and helps reduce chest pain and heart palpitations. It has a diuretic effect, reduces edema, pulmonary congestion and shortness of breath. The product includes the bark of the Arjuna tree, which is the best plant for heart and vascular health. However, the creators of the drug included other strong plants, as well as two medicinal compositions – Arogyavardhini Rasa and Lakshmivilas Rasa, which are independent medicinal compositions. They enhance the effect of Arjunin and make it a truly comprehensive means of recovery. One of the reasons for abnormal heart and vascular function is stress, nervousness, and constant anxiety. If you eliminate them, the indicators naturally improve. And breathing is negatively affected by edema of the body, including the respiratory tract. Healthy, free breathing not only improves the functioning of the heart, but also all other internal organs. This will help Arjunin.

Blood pressure