Amrit Kalash, Ayurvedic Complex, 60 tabs + 600 g, Maharishi Ayurveda

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Releaseform: Тablets Jam


Amrit Kalash by Maharishi Ayurveda is a potent tonic belonging to the ‘rasayana’ formulations used in Ayurveda to extend longevity. Amrit Kalash has 44 medicinal herbs and fruits that are highly effective to boost immunity optimise the body’s homeostasis and slow the degenerative effects of ageing. Amrit Kalash is considered an invaluable tonic to restore the body’s entire wellbeing and elevate one’s consciousness to a heightened state of awareness and internal peace and joy. Ayurvedic ‘rasayana’ tonics have to potential to unlock the powers of nature itself and are thus highly effective to optimise the body’s physiological processes. Amrit Kalash does not have any harmful side-effects and boosts the body’s uptake of essential vitamins and nutrients and counteracts harmful free radicals that are often problematic in the human body. Amrit Kalash does not produce metabolic byproducts and toxins and is free from added artificial preservatives. Amrit Kalash may seem similar to the Ayurvedic preparation Chyawanprash yet is significantly different. Amrit Kalash is not traditionally taken in the winter months or as a tonic for the cardiovascular and respiratory systems but is formulated to act on the entire body in a holistic manner. Amrit Kalash effectively nourishes cell metabolism of the entire body and is used as a complementary treatment to Chyawanprash and each have their uniquely specific and powerful healing properties. Amrit Kalash is an ancient herbal formula that has been clinically proven to have immense benefits on even cognitive and emotional states and is an ideal tonic to balance the body’s entire homeostasis and optimise the body at the very cellular level. Amrit Kalash consists of two different herbal formulations: MAK 4: A herbal jam with cow ghee (600 g). MAK 5: Herbal tablets (60 tablets). That are an ancient Ayurvedic formula used to extend longevity and are free from added sugar or honey so are suitable for diabetics.

Rejuvenation of organism
Postoperative recovery